Moth Breeding Game
A downloadable Moth for Windows
A game about breeding moths
You can use flowers to change the probability for certain babies.
Current flowers:
- Dandelions
Current Moths:
- Common Quaker - Default
- White Moth - Default
- Grey Moth - Common Quaker + White = 2.5% Chance + dandelions = 50% Chance
Moth models are butterflys. Will change to moths later.
Move the camera with WASD.
Only optimized for windows. Might work on compatibility layers like wine (I don't use anything that would particularly prevent it like DRM or Anti-Cheat).
Plans for the game:
- More Moths
- Flowers are obtained by sending a moth to the big flower field. It will send you a flower it likes as a thank you.
- Moth encyclopedia
- Community made Moths
- More Moths
- Make everything pretty. (Menus. Skybox. Moth Range. Moths.)
- Give Moths animations
- More Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
- Moths
Status | Prototype |
Platforms | Windows |
Author | Maffin |
Genre | Simulation |
Tags | 3D, moth, No AI, Singleplayer |
Moth Breeding 40 MB
Install instructions
Standard unity stuff. Download the zip, extract, double click "Moth Breeding Game.exe"
Development log
- UI Improvements55 days ago
- Flowers! (Also: Credits!)59 days ago